The new way of reading
We are on a mission to save your time and energy for the things that matter to you, no matter where you work or who you are:
Lawyers, Doctors, Journalists, heavy screen users or even those with ADD or dyslectia – all can benefit from Teggl.
In a hectic world where every second counts, we increase your reading speed by up to 30%, reduce your screen-fatigue and prevent energy loss.

Why Teggl?

Textivity 2025 | Webdesign JD

Textivity 2025 | Webdesign JD

How does it work?
We improve your reading experience by changing your text-formatting to your unique individual preferences. Just in two simple steps:
In 4 minutes we determine your optimal reading preferences: font size/type, word/line space, bolded reading, text/background colouring.
Take a simple Teggl font test

Our in-browser plug-in let you transform every webpage to your unique screen formatting, with a single toggle button.
Transform your screen using plugins

Why Teggl?
In a hectic world where every second counts, we increase your reading speed by up to 30%, reduce your screen-fatigue and prevent energy loss.

We are on a mission to save your time and energy for the things that matter to you, no matter where you work or who you are:
Lawyers, Doctors, Journalists, heavy screen users or even those with ADD or dyslectia – all can benefit from Teggl.
Screen hours
People spend over 1000 hours a year reading on screens
30% speed increase
Research shows reading speed can increase by up to 35% with preferred fonts.
Survey responds
80% struggle with focus: Screen reading drains concentration.
How does it work?
We improve your reading experience by changing your text-formatting to your unique individual preferences. Just in 2 simple steps:
Take a simple Teggl Font Test
In 4 minutes we determine your optimal reading preferences: font size/type, word/line space, bolded reading, text/background colouring.

Transform your screen using Plugins
Our in-browser plug-in let you transform every webpage to your unique screen formatting, with a single toggle button.

Seamless Integration with:

Teggl offers a versatile plugin for Google Chrome, Edge, Fire-fox and more platforms coming soon.

Why Teggl?
In a hectic world where every second counts, we increase your reading speed by up to 30%, reduce your screen-fatigue and prevent energy loss.
Lawyers, Doctors, Journalists, heavy screen users or even those with ADD or dyslectia – all can benefit from Teggl.
Screen hours
People spend over 1000 hours a year reading on screens
30% speed increase
Research shows reading speed can increase by up to 30% with preferred fonts.
Survey responds
80% struggle with focus: Screen reading drains concentration.

We are on a mission to save your time and energy for the things that matter to you, no matter where you work or who you are:

Privacy Policy
Terms of service
Beethovenstraat 327, Amsterdam, North Holland Netherlands
Textivity 2025 | Webdesign: MoonraiserJD